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Commercial Solar PV

Commercial Solar panels offer a fantastic addition to any business be it small or large. The obvious benefits of such an acquisition are:

  1. Reduced energy bills

  2. Prominent, public facing, projection of your green values

  3. Reduced CO2 output resulting in improved carbon accounting figures

  4. Generation of income from unused power

  5. For larger business solar panel and commercial rooftops installations you can achieve a reasonable return on investment, even after the FIT cuts (especially if you consume a significant amount of electricity during daylight hours)

  6. Stabilise electric supply and reduce cooling overheads in summer.

The feed in tariff for Commercial Solar Panels

The Feed in Tariff (also known as the FIT) is a Governmental policy mechanism that is designed to encourage the use of renewable energy sources in the United Kingdom. It was first introduced in Europe (Germany) where it has led to the installation of roughly 30GW of solar PV, including a remarkable 2GW in the UK. Solar PV has been successfully introduced into 63 countries around the world, including extending into much of Europe. It guarantees a Feed-in Tariff (FiT) payment per kWh (unit) produced, which is index linked and subject to inflation, regardless of whether the electricity generated is consumed on the premises or not. Whatever electricity you do not use (which saves you on your electricity bill) is exported back to the grid at a guaranteed minimum of 4.85p per kWh. The FiT is financed by your energy provider and the implementation of the FiT means that a return of 10% – 20% is now possible on investments in commercial Solar PV systems in the UK.


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